01 October 2008

Girl, I got a bike, so don't ask me for a ride.

Wassup rockers. It's Brian a.k.a. Emcee Oz a.k.a. Flow Jackson. Those are all names i made up for myself. Here's my bike as of late. I've been putting some good mileage on it lately. On friday I rode to Union Station, took a trian to Riverside, then rode to the college there to watch The Roots play and my new friends U-N-I (www.myspace.com/unimuzik). Super dope show, and i don't say that much. A couple nights ago Liam and I spent a few hours at the Bike Oven in higland park and finnished the conversion on his bike. Now we're poised to hit the streets at midnight much more often. I wanted to do something to motivate me to ride some more, so I just cut up one of my keffiyeh scarves and re-upholstered the thing! I've been meaning to re-cover my seat for a while, but never had a wolf shirt I was willing to cut up to put on there, so this will suffice.
We're trying to figure out how to bring our bikes on the next tour (we've all got nice ones now) so i made these spoke cards! We'll just hand them out to anyone who comes and rides with us whenever (Thanks for the help Kirsti). The text reads "I rode my bike with the LYLT Posse! CD Release Mini Tour Oct 2008. Word up! come out and ride with us fools! Now Kirsti and i are going to some vintage shops to sell some clothes so i can get enough money to buy some new bar wrap. yeah!

1 comment:

JoshuaMcC said...

So, I have a purely bike nerd question,.....Is this photo jacked up or is that a left side drive on your bike? If it's photo trickery your a dork, if it's real your my new hero.